
Ministry of Jesus II – Barry Bennett (Correspondence-USB)


Learn what Jesus had to say about the Law and how He challenged the Jewish traditions regarding women, study principles of faith, review difficult sayings of Jesus, learn about prayer, and expand your understanding of redemption. Second of a two-part series.

Barry Bennett, Dean of Instructors – Charis Bible College Colorado

Barry has been serving the Lord since 1972 and is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute. He and his wife, Betty Kay, were missionaries in Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile before returning to Texas in 2001. While attending a large Spanish-speaking congregation in Carrollton, Texas, Barry became the director and principal teacher of Instituto Avance, a Bible institute for Spanish speakers. In 2007, he came to AWM and worked in the Encouragement Department. He is now the Dean of Instructors at Charis Bible College in Colorado. In 2016, Barry launched his ministry website, BarryBennet.org, where he regularly posts blogs, videos, and other helpful resources.

Courses Taught by Barry Bennett:

  • Introduction to the Bible
  • Discipleship Evangelism I
  • Discipleship Evangelism II
  • Discipleship Evangelism III
  • Ministry of Jesus I
  • Ministry of Jesus II
  • Possess the Land
  • Galatians
  • Healing

“I have learned a great deal. The teachings on the hard sayings of Jesus were really good. The clarity and ability to interpret Jesus’ teaching in the context of the New Covenant was really helpful. Prior to the course, it appeared Jesus’ teachings were reinforcement of the Law. Now I understand that the time of Jesus was transitory, as He came to fulfill the Law.”

“I believe I have received a new view on how Jesus lived! I now have more respect for women in ministry and a realization that Jesus wasn’t actually a destitute vagabond! Both things I feel competent to share with others with a solid backing of Scripture!”

“It helped me go deeper into what Jesus actually did, and it helped get rid of a lot of questions on who Jesus is, who I am, and who I am called to be. The teaching on Jesus on the cross and what He did for me, what that involved, and the depths He went through to secure my redemption has transformed my thinking. The world needs to know.”