

Receive your courses in the mail and study at your own pace with Correspondence courses!

  • Choose to receive your Correspondence course material on USB or DVD.
  • Start your Correspondence courses once you receive them in the mail.
  • Set your own rate of progression through the course which includes 8 lessons and a final exam.
  • Once you’ve finished all the lessons, complete the exam and mail the answer sheet to Charis Bible College Distance Education.
  • Allow up to thirty days for your graded exam to be returned in the mail.
    • It is recommended you keep all graded exams for your records.
    • You do not need to wait for your exam to be returned before you begin your next course.

Course List – List of all available core and elective courses in recommended course order

Note: The Complete First-Year Program Correspondence bundle is a set mix of courses and may not be changed.

Course Materials

At Charis Bible College, the Bible is your main textbook. All other course materials are provided in the mail on USB or DVD.

  • USB option includes MP3s (audio), MP4s (video), and printable pdf outline and exam.
  • DVD option includes a course binder, DVDs, printed outline, and exam.

Address Change

Please notify Distance Education of any address change. Updating your address with Andrew Wommack Ministries will not update your address with Charis Bible College Distance Education.

Correspondence Course Orders Outside of the US and Canada

If you are ordering from any of the countries below, please click to find out more about ordering courses directly from that country.
Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Uganda, United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe.

You may also consider Online courses that allow you to complete your first year at Charis from any mobile device and from anywhere you have an internet connection.