
Galatians – Barry Bennett (Correspondence-USB)


Paul’s inspired letter, which is often referred to as the Magna Carta of Christian liberty, is reviewed and studied in terms of its great themes: grace, revelation, identity in Christ, faith, the Law vs. the blessing of Abraham, and life in the Spirit.

Barry Bennett, Dean of Instructors – Charis Bible College Colorado

Barry has been serving the Lord since 1972 and is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute. He and his wife, Betty Kay, were missionaries in Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile before returning to Texas in 2001. While attending a large Spanish-speaking congregation in Carrollton, Texas, Barry became the director and principal teacher of Instituto Avance, a Bible institute for Spanish speakers. In 2007, he came to AWM and worked in the Encouragement Department. He is now the Dean of Instructors at Charis Bible College in Colorado. In 2016, Barry launched his ministry website, BarryBennet.org, where he regularly posts blogs, videos, and other helpful resources.

Courses Taught by Barry Bennett:

  • Introduction to the Bible
  • Discipleship Evangelism I
  • Discipleship Evangelism II
  • Discipleship Evangelism III
  • Ministry of Jesus I
  • Ministry of Jesus II
  • Possess the Land
  • Galatians
  • Healing

“I learned so much about legalism and liberty. Being able to identify these in my life has set me free on so many different levels!”

“This course has shown me the importance of not allowing myself to be pulled into believing that our relationship with the Lord is based on our performance. He loves us because He is love, not because of what we do or don’t do. Excellent course, excellent teacher, excellent teachings!”

“I loved this class! The way Barry teaches is so clear and understandable. I received a lot of revelation about the Law and my flesh.”